The enclosed photo was taken on October 31, 1989 and Frank remembers the day like it was yesterday. “I remember it was Halloween because I had to call my wife and tell her that I wasn’t gonna be home in time to give out the candy,” said Pomodoro. Reflecting back on that day, Pomodoro says a number of things still stick out and have stayed with him to this day. “The compassion of people on that day is one of the things I’ll never forget. It was really amazing. Perfect strangers and even one guy I had locked up came running over to help Fritz.” Pomodoro says the help provided by perfect strangers was especially evident when the Fire Department arrived on scene and secured a rope around Fritz because there was some concern that the horse might slip or slide deeper into the hole. Pomodoro recalls, “The rope fastened around Fritz stretched across the street and I remember there were somewhere between 15 to 20 people grabbing a hold of the rope to make sure Fritz stayed put. The compassion of perfect strangers was unbelievable.”
However, the challenge of extricating an almost 1500 pound horse from a hole would require something a whole lot stronger and more substantial than a rope fastened around the horse’s midsection. “We needed a crane,” said Pomodoro. And, as luck would have it, Shaugnessy & Ahearn, a local rigging company, had a crane job going on just around the corner. Said Pomodoro, “We went up the street and told them what was going on and the crane came down and pulled Fritz out.” Pomodoro continues, “My mother was so grateful, she sent a fruit basket to Mr. Shaugnessy, the owner of the company, thanking him for what they did for Fritz.”
These days, Pomodoro is a detective assigned to the Domestic Violence Unit. He’s got a few more years to go before he can retire and, although he’s certainly seen the best and the worst of people during his almost 30 year career, Pomodoro says nothing compares to the kindness and compassion he witnessed firsthand nearly 25 years ago. “I met a lot of really great people that day and, to this day, I have nothing but gratitude to those who came over to help Fritzie. I’ll never forget them.”
Det är min erfarenhet att i nöd ställer människor upp och allt groll och välfärdsproblem försvinner. Då arbetar man tillsammans och alla har samma mål. Sen förstår jag att det inte alltid är så, men i mitt lyckliga liv har det alltid varit så. Sen när allt lugnar sig kommer meningsskiljaktigheter som egentligen inte har någon roll tillbaka och välfärdsproblemen är igång igen – det är väl så det ska vara i livet antar jag.
Fint gjort av alla inblandade 🙂
Det är min erfarenhet också.
instämmer, det var ju lite kul att en man han tidigare gripit var en av dem som rusade till undsättning.
Ova prica, a posebno slika jadnog konja su me bas potresli, iako se sve desilo davno. Da, ljudska solidarnost ponekad je zadivljujuca sto su pokazali i poslednji dogadjaji kod nas u vezi sa poplavama. Iako u svakodnevici izgleda da su se ljudi potpuno otudjili neki vanredni dogadjaji pokazu da je u covecanstvu ipak ostalo ono malo duse koja nas svojom dobrotom iznova zadivi i vrati nam veru u ljude.
Slazem se. Hvala bogu da je tako i da jos uvek ima neka solidarnost i volja za pomogu.