En liten story

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Here’s a story about Doc…

My Dad was riding some colts for this man and Doc was one of them. The man skipped town and didn’t pay Dad so Dad called him up and said ”you didn’t pay me.” The man said ”I can’t pay you but I’ll give you that Appaloosa.” Dad said ”I don’t want the Appaloosa” but we got stuck with him. My sisters and I grew up riding on this horse and did every event you could imagine on him Dad said between us 3 we won 156 all-arounds on Doc.

When I was 12 and was learning to ride broncs, I would even put my bronc saddle on him and slide my back cinch back. He would give me about 3 good jumps and then stop.

He babysat all of us kids. I would forget the barrel pattern because I was so young and I would try to pull him the wrong way around the barrels. He would jerk his head back the other way and take me the right way. I would get off and be so mad but mom and dad would say ”he actually took you the right way.” What a special horse.

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